Excuses, Excuses

Kage Baker always made an enormous deal of birthdays – she stretched them out over several days, if she could manage it. Not just her own; other peoples’, too. Like mine. Which is today.

My younger sister Kimberly is of a like mind, and has been plying me with birthday goodies all day. The barbecue is heating for the steaks, there will be yummy mushrooms and corn and potatoes, and watermelon! There is a Red Velvet Ice Cream Cake for dessert! With fancy plates, even.

Also, she and my nephew Michael have worked all day to restore my computer to life. Kimberly drove, in  the awful heat, to the wonderful Burbank Frye’s that has a crashed flying saucer stuck in the wall over the doorway, so Mike could get the cables necessary to finagle a working connection between the CPU and the monitor. And he did it! My computer works! I got a wireless mouse as well, and am now as happy as a clam.

But other than these (admittedly satisfying) triumphs and delights, I’ve done nothing useful all day. Nor will I, I suspect. I’m kicking back now and relaxing. The evening is beautiful and clear and warm, and I am somehow 58 years old. I’m gonna go have A Refreshing Iced Coffee Drink and leer at the rib eye steaks.

Tomorrow, I swear, I will begin the long strange tale of Kage’s fascination with and pursuit of The Spiderpool. And to intrigue you all a little … enjoy this.

Spiderpool Wall

About Kate

I am Kage Baker's sister. Kage was/is a well-known science fiction writer, who died on January 31, 2010. She told me to keep her work going - I'm doing that. This blog will document the process.
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5 Responses to Excuses, Excuses

  1. Sue says:

    Happy Birthday, and may it be long lasting, enjoyable days.


  2. Margaret says:

    No guilt, no excuses – a person who worked on her birthday instead of leering at ribeye steaks would clearly be on her way to the booby hatch – or some sort of labor-intensive CEO position, which would probably be even worse.


  3. Medrith says:

    Happy belated birthday!


  4. Athene says:

    Spi*der*pool! Spi*der*pool! Spi*der*pool!


  5. PJ says:

    Happy belated birthday! Sounds like it was grand.


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