
Kage Baker sometimes declared that some days were just … gone. Wasted. The sun comes out too late and watery to do one any good, and yet the weather will not do anything hearty. Like rain.

Rain would be nice. It would give me an excuse to go back to bed.

Kage called this condition “mumping.” She would announce her condition of, and intention to,  mump, and then bundle up in a lap robe and watch cartoons. She never went back to bed – that was for weanies. She just mumped in place. “I am a mump bud,” she would declare. Thouogh when she got into her 30’s, she decided maturity called upon her to become a mump blossom, instead.

Apparently, a mump blossom looks like a cross between a squash blossom and a used datura flower.

I am a mump blossom to day; one that’s going to seed. It’s a slightly grey, sort of chilly, vaguely sad day. My experiments with a new oatmeal and the microwave resulted in paving the oven with semi-congealed rolled oats. The parrot insisted on eating my yoghurt. Lou Reed might be dead but probably isn’t. He’s always been tricky … I missed the observance of St. Crispian’s Day two days ago. Halloween is in 4 days, Novel In A Month begins in 5 days, Dickens Fair Rehearsals begins in 6 days: and I am not ready for anything. But in 3 days, I have a lovely doctor’s appointment to complain that my diabetes meds are not working and my blood sugar is still too high – and I haven’t even gotten into the Halloween candy. Yet.

The Esselene Indians (whom I am supposed to be researching today) had a tribal saying: Xue elo xonia eune. “I come from the rock.”

Yeah, me, too. And now I’m gonna crawl back under mine.


About Kate

I am Kage Baker's sister. Kage was/is a well-known science fiction writer, who died on January 31, 2010. She told me to keep her work going - I'm doing that. This blog will document the process.
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6 Responses to Mumping

  1. Say Amen. I was right there with ya for about 3/4 or better. If one can going to Wal
    mart for costume storage as productive. S.


  2. Kate says:

    But a journey to WalMart always leaves me feeling … grimy. Oh, well. Spent the day horizontal and had scrambled eggs and Spam for dinner: comfort food made by someone else, the best! Tomorrow will be better.


  3. On a more uplifting level there are two very fine shows currently at the Huntington. A very special one about Fr. Serra and another art history adventure concerning the invention of the early modern style of painting, ie the renaissance. And of course the endless supply of personal favorites scattered about the place, including the much beloved Mrs. Springhorn. Any day but tuesday, as they are closed. Noon to 4:30 any old day. you might find it rehabilitating. S


  4. Lynn says:

    And on an even MORE uplifting level, I received my copy of “In the Company of Thieves” arrived last night. I jumped right to the last story, since it was the only one I hadn’t read. Marvelous. Awesome. I love when they get together. I will readily admit that my favorite scene in any of Kage’s books, the one I can’t tell others because I laugh too hard to get it out, is the scene at Ghiradelli Shop when Joseph gets so stoned on chocolate.


    • Kate says:

      Oh, I’m so glad it got to you! I got my copies, too. And did the same thing; and you know what’s weird as hell? I can’t remember writing most of that …

      The scene in Ghiradelli’s is one of my favourite scenes, too. And you know what? It’s based on a true story, as they say. Kage and I were in there late one night, after a Jethro Tull concert, and we just slowly lost our freaking minds … no alcohol was involved, but it was nonetheless a massive drunk. Even the snorting coca powder … man, what a glorious debacle.


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