Yarn, Laundry and The Back Yard

Kage Baker was an enormous fan of modern conveniences. Especially really good laundry machines, and top-notch food processors. Ease in cleaning clothes, and crushed ice for cocktails – very high on her Vital Necessities of Life List. And if  the things were red, so much the better.

Tomorrow, the new dryer arrives – half a dozen different cycles; lacquered in ruby red; a lint trap that exudes all the perfumes of Araby and makes bunny-shaped dust bunnies, for all I know. But it has to be brought in and fitted in place, and the old one removed … and ours is a small house. So there is a frantic moving things around to facilitate a clear path from the front door to the laundry room going on today.

This is but Stage 1 in a drastic refit of the kitchen, too. When it is done, several of my outrageously red appliances will be accessible once again. Kimberly, too, is very fond of crushed ice – and we already have a dozen projects just waiting for my Imperial Red Kitchen Master. One of the great discoveries of my middle age has been  bread hooks …

Also tomorrow, the back yard gets a drastic trim. The wintergreen trees that lurk around the place are ruinously old – and they are getting topped tomorrow. The ravening horde arrives at 9 AM to begin the work. But again, there is a certain desperate clearing of crap that has to occur before they can work. Also, Tomato-henge must be moved to a safe place.

This all interferes with writing. I salve my conscience by reminding myself that Kage would approve of all this up-grading no end. An efficient kitchen, a comfortable garden and easy laundry: all things she required from life. Me, too.

But in the merry meantime, Dear Readers – while I move things around – I have a favour to ask. Some of you have already gotten my whining requests for help, but – Lion Brand Yarn is having an essay contest. The first prize is $500 worth of Lion stuff: yarn, needles, patterns, yarn, some yarn, some more yarn … and I entered, because I am good at essays and because I crave yarn.

So could you all go and vote for me? Well, read the essay first, of course, and if you like it: then vote for me. You can vote every day. The voting period runs until May 13th.  If you are so generously inclined, you’ll find my   entry at:


It’s entitled Holding My Sister’s Arm.

And now – off to move tomatoes!

About Kate

I am Kage Baker's sister. Kage was/is a well-known science fiction writer, who died on January 31, 2010. She told me to keep her work going - I'm doing that. This blog will document the process.
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9 Responses to Yarn, Laundry and The Back Yard

  1. Lynn says:

    i voted but since I’m not a member of FaceBook, the vote may not have taken.


  2. I am off to read and vote, but wanted to say, I have “The Best of Kage Baker” on order with my local genius independent bookstore, and I CANNOT WAIT! Doing the antsy dance!


    • Well, darn it, the Facebook page wants me to give all kinds of permissions I’m not inclined to give, just to say I liked your essay.

      I liked it. I would vote for it, if it were just a vote they wanted.


      • Kate says:

        Okay, folks – if Facebook is demanding all sorts of concessions from you, don’t sign in! The contest is based at Lion Brand’s FB page – you can go there, but if it still won’t let you vote without demanding control of your info – well, then screw ’em. I don’t want anything badly enough to ask someone to let FB get their hands on your contacts. But I sincerely thank everyone who tried.


  3. Tom says:

    Done, once; wouldn’t let me back to vote again.


  4. Jane says:

    Voted, and simply said no to the multitude of suggestions. It did register that I’d voted tho. Picturing piles of colorful yarn!


  5. Kate says:

    Thank you all for the votes! And never fear – piles of yard are gonna happen anyway … it’s my only vice …


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