Ready To Go

Kage Baker got ready for trips either days early or at the very last minute – no middle ground. She either ignored the problem until I was practically dragging her out the door, or she had a suitcase packed the week before we were due to travel. Sometimes she packed so early she hid away things she needed before we went, and ended up living out of her suitcase for three days; other times, she arrived at Faire or conventions minus a critical garment.

Though she only once forgot all her clothes entirely. Of course, that was on our way to the World Fantasy Con and then subsequently (two days later) to her own surgery in San Francisco: and there she was with only what she stood up in. We managed to supplement her garments in time for both events, but it was a near thing for a while.

Me, I make  big lists and then pare ’em down as I pack. The trick is to select your size of bag, and then stick to it. You can experiment with all the crap you think you need to see what (and if) everything fits, but never change the bag! You will be forced to parsimony and thrift, and if you are flying you’ll be sure the thing fits in the overhead. Plus maybe including a vew oddities to amuse the TSA …

Going to the hospital has a sparser “need” list than going to a convention, of course. I’ll bring my toothbrush and favourite toiletries, but the odds of my using them is low – I’ll be zonked a lot, and also supplied with nice sterile disposables by the hospital. And clothes? Feh, just enough to satisfy decency – I’ll be in some inadequate cotton number with horrible paisleys on it before I know it. And when I leave, I’ll be too sore to put on real clothes anyway. So I’m wearing and packing clothes just a cut above pajamas.

Most of the people I meet over the next week are going to end up more familiar with my navel than my face, anyway.

I had to get poor Kage up at the crack of dawn to get her in to the City in time for her surgery; and poor Neassa, too, who accompanied us as my support system. We were staying in Santa Rosa, and had a long drive in through the vinyards and pumpkin patches and leafless cottonwoods. Kimberly and I get to sleep to a decent hour, as I don’t have to be there until 11 AM – so much nicer. I hope it’s indicative of good luck all around.

It’ll be a few days before I return here, Dear Readers. However, Neassa and/or Kimberly will post updates so your kind hearts are not troubled. Most of them, I have no doubt, will read: Kate’s asleep. Or: Kate’s talking nonsense again. Or: Kate got bored and we sneaked her out.

My Kindle is charging, and is jam-packed with goodies I have not yet read.  I’m gonna go pack a knitting project now – I don’t really expect to knit, but if I don’t bring one I practically guarantee I will be alert and bored out of my mind at some point. And I would rather rest.

In fact, Dear Readers, my plans for the next week are simplicity itself. I intend to sleep and walk to and from the bathroom. By the time I am engaged in this strenuous activity, it ought to be as complicated as an EVA in orbit. That’ll keep me amused.

Talk to you later, all!

About Kate

I am Kage Baker's sister. Kage was/is a well-known science fiction writer, who died on January 31, 2010. She told me to keep her work going - I'm doing that. This blog will document the process.
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21 Responses to Ready To Go

  1. Kara says:

    My very best wishes that everything goes smoothly. While I wish you a speedy recovery with a full heart, I also selfishly look forward to with much glee reading about what animal your surgeon turns into after the drugs hit. :-p


  2. Bill Jacobs work #310 423 0061 all the medical wisdom in the world at your disposal plus low friends in high places. Break a leg! Kisses


  3. Marc Bailey says:

    My most powerful good thoughts are streaming your way. And I’ve certainly got lots of company boosting the signal.


    • Luisa Puig Duchaineau says:

      Ha-ha: When I first read Marc’s post (a bit too fast, I guess) it first looked to me like he had written: “… And I’ve certainly got lots of *THE* Company, boosting the signal.

      Actually, I pretty that sure Mendoza *is* doing what she can, and in the most unorthodox way possible.


  4. Susan Reader says:

    May all go well.


  5. elaine says:

    Blessings to you. Wishing you a smooth stay in hospital and a speedy recovery. You have been in my thoughts very much leading up to this and I’m sending lots of positive vibes and looove your way that everything goes well for you.


  6. Brad Campbell says:

    Exhortations to the Universe on your behalf have been made.


  7. Carol Light says:

    Ditto to what everyone else said. Godspeed.



  8. Mary Lynn says:

    We wish you the best care and recovery possible. You will be in our thoughts.


  9. Keeping you in my thoughts, and all your doctors, nurses, and support staff too. Brilliance all around! Try not to be too hard on them.



  10. Kate says:

    Good thought, Maggie. Spare a moment for my caregivers, folks – I can be an E-ticket ride.


  11. Jennifer says:

    Sending light to you and your caregivers that all goes smoothly, they get in and get ‘er done, get out with no fuss, no muss, and that you wake up having only had pleasant dreams…


  12. Lynn Downward says:

    All our best thoughts are being sent to you and the staff for speed, clarity and quick helaing. Not to mention our blessing to Kimberly. I’m really glad she’ll be there with you. I hop ethat if you’r etalking nonsense, she’ll share it with us.Godsspeed.


  13. Thoughts and prayers for you over the next few days. Here’s to your surgeon for telling the cancer where to stick it!


  14. Allison says:

    Hope you get some lovely drugs and have some fun dreams. Sounds as though you are in great hands…and in many hearts. Be brave, be strong, and be well. Will be thinking big successful surgery vibes and warp speed recovery wishes your way, lady.


  15. Deborah Doyle says:

    Safe home.


  16. Widdershins says:

    Candle lit? … check. In the window? check … bon voyage Kate.


  17. Hope all goes well, thinking good thoughts your way.


  18. PJ says:

    I know it’s too late for you to see this, but God bless you. Speedy recovery!


  19. Luisa Puig Duchaineau says:

    Kathleen: as you can see from the many posts, you are in good hands, both at the hospital *and* amidst the many-many who are fortunate to call you Friend.

    Best wishes and quick recovery.

    And yes, we will want *all* the dish … in good time, of course.

    Bless you, Kimberly, Ray, and Michael. You are all one heck of a support team.


  20. Tom says:

    Love, strength and serenity be yours, Kate. You will heal and be well.


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