Life Is Happening

_Kage Baker subscribed firmly to the idea that life is what happens when you’re making other plans.

I had planned to go to a standard checkup with my cardiologist today. Then I planned to go home. However …

My heart is being eeird. I was having chest pains thid morning; my breath could not be caught. No, not thoigh I ran ever so fast. Ehich is a major bummer.

So I am now iin Cedar Sinai, waiting for a permanent bed. I shall be observed tonight and in the morning I get an angiogram. And iin the meantime, I sm laboriously typing all of you, Dear Readers, a note of rxplanation. On a much too tiny screen and a dsmndd virtual keyboaff that has responses like a hummingbird on speed …

I should go home tomorrow. Updates as required. Life is definitely happening.

About Kate

I am Kage Baker's sister. Kage was/is a well-known science fiction writer, who died on January 31, 2010. She told me to keep her work going - I'm doing that. This blog will document the process.
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11 Responses to Life Is Happening

  1. kathy allen says:

    Sending prayers. and bless your heart. And hope you can play the get out of jail card soon.


  2. John says:

    also sending prayers your way, Thanks for keeping us informed.


  3. Marc Bailey says:

    Sending the most powerful energy I have your way.


  4. Gwen says:

    Sending good hopes and prayers to you.


  5. So many good thoughts and so much love being sent your way, sweetie. Keep you well.


  6. Luisa says:

    Sending serenity and peace to your hyper-active heart; best wishes and healing light to you, and fond hopes of a better than on-screen keyboard for your Cedar Sinai dispatches. Looking forward to your always amusing reports from the Hospital of Fish Tanks.


  7. Miz Kizzle says:

    Damn. That sucks. Hospitals are not fun places to be, with or without fish. I hope you feel better soon.


  8. Becky says:

    I hate those tiny keyboards. I tried to use the voice diction option but that’s just as bad.

    I hope the rest and relaxation at the hospital (ha ha) do you some good. Get out of there quick and in a healthy way!


  9. Cynthia Olsen says:

    I hope, I hope, I hope you’re feeling better and home soon!


    • Kate says:

      Cynthia – I am home, and I do actually feel better. My doctor reduced the amount of blood pressure drugs I was taking, and lo! Not only did my blood pressure rise to a level indicating I might be alive, I’m not dizzy any more! One of the reasons I was shipped off to the hospital was because my blood pressure was so low, they were afraid I was bleeding from somewhere. As for the diabetes … well, I hadn’t even noticed any symptoms yet. That’s probably because Kimberly plans most meals to accommodate Ray’s diabetes, and I was sort of getting a free ride … anyway, I am now cool, better-informed, less drugged and HOME!!!

      That’s nicer for the hospital, too. I am a lousy patient.


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